Tag Archives: accomplish

I have my word for the the new year!!

When I started to go through how I wanted to feel and what I wanted to accomplish in 2022 finding my word for the new year wasn’t that hard. Check out working on my word for some background information.

The coming year I want to work full-on on my creativity.  Writing, blogging and other endeavors. To start, finish and push myself. I want to have a novel edited and sent to editors. I want to explore and push myself on the blog. What about offering a creative course? I want to end next year exhausted and excited about what I have accomplished and put out there.

I want to end the year knowing I tried my best. So that lead me to the word “accomplish”. As that is what I want to do the coming year accomplish projects.  I want to feel that I gave it my all. I set a schedule. I focused. I broke my projects down into manageable bits. I didn’t let negativity or perfectionism get in my way.

I sat with the word “accomplish” for a while.  It felt like I was in the vicinity of the word I wanted but not exactly there.  Next stop thesaurus. Words that came up for accomplish were fulfill, achieve, realize and attain. That was it! I found my word.

Realize. I want to realize my ideas. To make them happen or know I did my best. Remember if you try you can never fail. Failure is not trying. Trying and not making the exact mark is not failure but learning. Sorry off topic!!

The word realize will push me to take chances and give me focus. To realize my ideas (decided not to use the word dream). To make this coming year terrific and worthwhile. To realize I have control of my year and what happens is all on me.

Have you decided on a word for the new year? How do you want to feel? What do you want to realize? I would love to start a conversation here and even support each other in what we’re up to next year.

We have this!