Update on Project 333

I started Project 333 mid June.  See original post here.  This will also give you a link to Project 333.  Fast summary for three months you wear 33 items (work/casual clothes, footwear, jewelry, accessories, outerwear).  Note underwear and pajamas not on the list. 

I tossed all my summer clothes on the bed.  I started pulling out items I knew I would wear especially to work.  I picked two pair of earrings and put all my other jewelry out of sight (box under bed). The items I choose went into one drawer and one part of my closet.  Lucky I have enough space to put items not in use in another drawer I didn’t have to access.

Originally I had two pair of jeans. That quickly changed one Saturday when the humidity almost did me in.  Home to swap out jeans for a summer casual skirt. Yes we’re allowed to swap out as life happens.  I wore my 33 items for rest of June, July, August, September and into October.  October I swapped out a few pieces for more “fall” appropriate items.  Still 33 items.

I asked a friend at work if she thought I was wearing the same clothes again and again. She said no. She didn’t noticed my clothes where any different than last summer or season.  So less clothes didn’t look like I was constantly wearing the same thing again and again. 

I have a pair of black summer pants and capris.  So could wear them with pretty well any top I had.  I have one dress a friend recently gave me that I debated including but I really liked it so I did. So happy as I felt good in it (which is what it is all about). That came out every other week. 

I felt I had more than enough choices, especially when pulling work clothes for five days a week.  No repeats of tops.  Maybe the black capris.  Wore my jeans on Friday with a casual top.  Weekend wear fine as had a few casual items.

Decision is I’m doing it again for fall/winter.  I have already started weeding out summer clothes that didn’t make the cut.  I waited until September as the book said don’t toss anything out until you actually see if you can do it and you don’t miss items.  I haven’t missed much just a few t-shirts.  Have a bag for goodwill ready to go. 

No one noticed my “lack” of clothes. Which wasn’t. It was easy to know what I was wearing as one drawer of tops and one small rack in closet. I didn’t have to move anything to find items. All lined up in clear sight. 

I’m looking forward to finishing going through summer items and pulling out fall/winter.  Also looking forward to pulling out my jewelry and having a really good look at that.  My two pair of earrings were fine for the last four months.  Plus my dresser is so much more tidy with less stuff on it. Added bonus. 

So if you are looking for a project I recommend Project 333. It gives you a taste of  a capsule wardrobe.  You are only committed (not the right word!) for three months or think of it as a season.  You have to pick out your favorite pieces and ones that work together. You might find out that you have similar items. Or what about clothes you bought and haven’t worn?  Or items that are not you anymore? 

Why are we holding on to these items? Why are we allowing them to take up space not only in our closet but life? I’m freeing up closet space and head space. Less to think about.  I’m not going to see a item and think why did I spend money on that?  Or I’ll never wear that – and leave it there to never wear.  Imagine just seeing items you actually wear in your closet.  Or jewelry and accessories that bring you joy not clutter your space.

I recommend it.  What do you have to lose but clutter?  Remember be intentional about what you want in your life and what you don’t.


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