An update on intentional living

WOW we have rolled into March which means my quarterly intention of being intentional is half way through. So I thought an update was in order. Intentionally.

I have been trying to do things intentionally. To concentrate on projects that move me forwards. I completed an edit and note-taking on a novel. Now I have a record of what everyone is doing in each chapter and what needs to be added or deleted to move the story forward. 

Listening to a NaNoWri (National Novel Writing) podcast I came across the manuscript wish list . It has a list of editors and agents in different genres.  February was spent going through the list and selecting agents in my genre and then submitting queries. Scary but living intentionally for me is living with no (or at least less) regrets. That means not waiting for perfection, which will never happen, and taking the leap. So submitted three chapters and queries. Now just waiting to see what happens. I’m calling it collecting rejections as I consider that also a win as it shows I have tried!

I’m not saying I haven’t wasted time scrolling through social media and watching Netflix. Overall I feel good about the last two months and living intentionally. Where do I want to go and heading in that direction. Oh yes to unexpected detours some are so worth checking out, but don’t head too far down a rabbit hole that is taking you away from what you should be doing.

So half way through my four months of intentionally living. I’m interested if anyone else picked a word, project or feeling they have been working on for the last four months. See this post if you want to know more about setting an intention.

Drop a comment if you are half way through your intention for this quarter. If you need a boost let me know. I would love to brain-storm how to move forward or regroup.



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