Tag Archives: play

Becoming more playful – can that be an intention?

Helllllooooo Yes!

Somewhere along the way we have lost our sense of play as adults. Exploring new worlds, seeing new things or seeing things differently. We are so caught up in rushing here and there. Living in the future and constantly thinking what needs to be done to get to there. Worse we are putting things off until later. When I get free time. When I have vacation. When I retire. When I…… You get the picture. The only time we have is now.

Play falls to the bottom on the list. We’re adults we don’t play! Okay why not? What makes play not an adult activity? Adults play sports, have hobbies those are often play. Maybe we have to expand our idea of play.

Play doesn’t have to be heading out to play hopscotch (but it could!!!)  It could be scheduling time in for a yoga class. Or wine tasting with friends. What about on-line paint night? Juicy book anyone?

If your intention is more play let’s brainstorm!  Write down any and all things you enjoy doing. Don’t look at whether it is “play” but things that make you smile, bring you joy.  Also consider activities you would like to try – say a dance class? Pottery?  Don’t take anything off the list.  Remember this is a brain dump – let is all spill out.

Drop in the comments what you come up with and we’ll report back. Yes play can be an intention and I think a great one. When we play we are positive and happy. That spills into other areas. Play!!!