Tag Archives: integrity

The Four Agreements

Living intentionally for me has involved catching myself before I downward spiral and stepping back and looking at a situation before I respond. Sometimes it is easier to catch ourselves when we have a touchstone. For me that has been The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

I read the book years ago. I know them by heart and I do try and live them. Some days/times easier than other. They are:

  • Be impeccable with your word. For me that sometimes means keeping my mouth shut. Seriously, if we have nothing to add to the conversation – I mean positive or constructive let it go.
  • Don’t make assumptions. Everyone has baggage we know nothing about. They could be having a bad day and we are just an easy target.
  • Don’t take anything personally. For me this goes with above – if we are making assumptions we are often taking things personally. Unless I have really screwed up it likely isn’t all about me!
  • Always do your best. This applies to any given day. So if we are ill doing your best will look different than when we are 100% and that is okay. Always do your best with what we have. Don’t set unreasonable standards.

The book will give you more detail. They have been my touchstone for years.