Tag Archives: goal

Meditation Practice as an Intention

A lot of us are looking for more balance in life.  To slow down and catch our breath.  Meditation is tossed around a lot.  That we should incorporate it into our frantic life.  Where? When? How?

We often get caught up in carving out time for ourselves.  When meditation is mentioned it is often for longer periods of time then we realistic have. So we put it aside until we have more time. Which doesn’t roll around.

If our intention is to set up a meditation practice this is how I would go about it.  First give yourself grace and be flexible.  Life happens. Remember also you get to set your time-frame for your intention.  Currently I’m going with four months.

Meditation doesn’t have to be for thirty minutes to an hour.  Five minutes to start with is okay. It is five minutes we weren’t doing it before.  I would recommend to start with using a guided meditation. There are lots on YouTube.

Check out walking meditation also.  Download and head out the door.  This doesn’t have to be time consuming.  All we have to carve out of our day is five to ten minutes.  Yep that is all.  Head over to setting an intention for more information and a printout to keep track of your progress.

Don’t feel you have to meditate every day. Maybe start with 3-4 times a week.  Decide what days work for you but be flexible.  Also download guided meditations so you are ready to go when you have the time.  Have a few ready.  You want to be able to sit and hit play.  For this to work you have to make it as easy as possible so preparation is key.  Have downloads ready so no searching. When you have five minutes drop and play.

Here are a few short meditations I found searching “five minute easy meditations” on  YouTube.

5 minute guided meditation

reset and recharge meditation

5 minute guided meditation for beginners

Let me know what you think and if you find any ones that resonated with you.

Deep breath.