Tag Archives: alone

Making a difference – creating space

I was lucky enough to find Tony Robbins New World Challenge.  It was a free five day live event. He had us moving and rethinking our life choices. Looking at life differently and realizing we can change our state of mind. Giving us exercises and energizing us.

He had Sara Blakely on (who created Spanx).  She said something that clicked for me. When asked what type of business people should look at creativing, she said consider something that makes you cry.  WOW that hit me.  As I automatically knew what that was. 

What makes me cry is people not being seen. People that feel alone and off to the side. This happened a few months ago when I was out for a walk at lunch time and walked by an elementary school. One little boy was at the end of the playground right at the fence. Everyone else was playing closer to the building and at least in pairs.

As I walked by he said hello. I automatically said it back and stopped long enough to look at him and said have a great day. That made me so sad as maybe I was the only one that saw him during his lunch hour. To say hi to a total stranger through a fence to me was crying for contact. I’m here. Can you see me? Acknowledge me? Yes I can.

Having had the experience growing up of not being seen, I don’t want anyone to feel that way. If I can help it. If you make eye contact with anyone – strangers included smile. Acknowledge you see them. They are not invisible.

I would like to create a space where people are seen. The world can be cold and yes that includes the internet. People feel they can say hurtful things as no one can see them or face the consequences.

Everyone deserves a place they can express themselves. To be involved in positive conversation and creativity. To add value. Seeing people not being seen. Alone. That is what makes me cry every time.  Because they might be different. They don’t fit the norm. Whatever the “norm” is at the time. That little boy sitting way off to the side saying hello to a stranger. To hear a positive voice. To have someone see him.

We can do that here and anywhere. Create a space for people to express and be seen. Let me know what you would like to discuss and see on this site. A book club? Topics of conversation? Questions you want to put out there. This is our site and we are seen.

Let’s start our conversation and place of safety. We so have this!!