Setting an intention

Figuring out our intention is half the fun.  Do we want a feeling or to focus in on a project for the next four month?  

If you want a feeling say joyful or playful write that in the middle of a page.  Around it (or a list) write down everything that gives you that feeling.  Make sure you use all your senses.  Is there a certain smell?  A food?  Activity? This is a brain dump of ideas.  Write down everything – even if you think it can’t be done. No judging or eliminating. It all goes down.

Sit with it for a bit.  You might add more items to your page or not. All okay. We have set our intention to bring more X into our lives. We have four months to focus on this. Grab a cup of tea or coffee and start on your list. What can you start to schedule into your day? If reading brings you joy could you schedule in time at lunch to read? Making a reading hour at home with family (set a timer).  I think it is a good idea to give yourself a bit of a deadline say finish one book a month. Remember be flexible. Life happens.

If you have projects half finished or want to start something new pick one.  Remember to pick the one that excites you the most. Again we have to break this down.  We have four months so schedule time into your day or week to work on your project.  Break it down into pieces you can easily do.

If you want to write a novel break it down into an outline, scenes and character profiles.  Small writing jobs that are important. Also smaller pieces allow us to finish something. To check that box of two scenes written.  Scheduling and breaking down your project are crucial.  

You want to start journaling.  Break it down into 1) purchasing a pretty journal 2) looking for journaling prompts on the internet  3) picking a few out to do.  We gather momentum when we complete tasks. So purchasing a journal is a completed task. Check.

I think the biggest thing is to not set unreal expectations for ourselves. Four months might not be enough time to write a novel.  To go through every closet in the house and organize.  To learn a language. I hope you get the idea.  I’m not saying you can’t get this stuff done but we don’t want to feel overwhelmed.

So we are going to decide if it is a feeling we want to experience or a project we want to finish or start in the next four months.  Next brainstorm ideas of how to go about it.  Creating a schedule, being flexible and giving our self grace if we fall behind.  Re-examine what is happening. Maybe your project is too large – could it be broken down further? 

Remember intentions are determining an action or result. Intentions are organic and we can adjust them as we gather more information.  They are to help focus us on what we want to accomplish in four months (or your time frame).

Here is a download I hope lets you stay on tract.  Let the intentions begin!