Being Intentional on my own path

I finished Cait Flanders’ book Adventures in opting out. While reading it I realized I have opted out a lot already.  My biggest one was backpacking in Australia for a year after graduation instead of looking for a job. That was major for me as up until that time I had followed the course set out for me. Or at least the course society deemed appropriate.

It wasn’t until I realized I didn’t have to follow that course. That as long as I’m not hurting anyone I don’t have a course I should have to follow. Which is what Cait Flanders said also.

I read the book as I was interested in her idea of opting out.  Also the tag line is “a field guide to leading an intentional life” that caught my eye more than opting out did.  She states everyones idea of what and how to opt out is individual – so true. It was interesting as her idea of opting out has basically been what I have been thinking about for a while.  Which is slow travel and long-term.

Slow travel for Cait was staying in one place long enough to soak up the area. She stayed somewhere for six weeks. Slow travel is not to be on the go constantly.  Trying to see six country in seven days. It is to become comfortable and familiar with a place. That appeals to me. To do day trips and leave a smaller environmental footprint.

As I was reading the book I was thinking about my intention for the next four months. Which was to live intentional. I’m not sure what the future of travel will look like but I’m still interested in living somewhere else and soaking it up. To have a local coffee shop and grocery store. To be familiar with my neighbourhood.

What reading the book made clearer for me is preparing for my opting out. It had me looking around my home (which I love) and thinking if I left for X period of time what am I suppose to do with this stuff? I’m not a minimalist or a hoarder, but there is stuff I don’t use and keep because “what if”. There are dishes in high cabinets I open and never touch in years.

So I am going to start intentionally looking at my stuff. All my stuff and decide what stays and what goes. I am looking at this project as the start of my opting out adventure. With the world right now it might be a year or more before travel is back to close to normal (if every).  That is okay I’m intentionally setting myself on the right course. To free up cabinets, drawers, well space period for new things to come in. I don’t mean new stuff. I mean ideas, opportunities and possibilities. Stuff can weigh you down. If I can clear out material stuff and mental blocks I will feel lighter.

I’m thinking if I do leave home for X period of time I might have someone stay at my place. They would need space for their things. I want to easily pack things away clearing space for possibilities.

So thank you Cait and Adventures of opting out for helping me realize I have been (mostly!!) on the right path. That all my opting out in the past has led me to where I am today. Someone that is more than okay not following what society dictates is the correct path.

Is there anything you would consider opting out of? The field is wide open. It doesn’t have to be earth shattering it could be social engagement you no longer find enjoyable. Or maybe it is saying yes when you want to say no. Opting out of events that don’t speak to your soul to attend ones that do. Even if no one around you is interested.

I’m starting to intentional look at my surrounding and decide what deserves a place here. What space physically and mentally can I start freeing up. This starts today with a goodwill bag.

If you want to know more about setting an intention check out this post. .

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